Interaction Station:
My initial interface idea was based on the workshops from the interaction station. It was a device that turned off all screens when it detected blue light in the room. Since this idea was only connected to the user and not the collection, I moved on from this idea for my final interface. However, this was a fun exercise to consider how I could connect physical interfaces to digital ones.
During the workshops at the interaction station, I learned the basics of how to build a physical interface with the Adafruit circuit playground express. While the workshops were quite short and fast-paced, they opened up my mind to how a simple physical interface could be used to enhance a digital experience. I especially enjoyed using the light sensor to create an "interactive" GIF.

Unfortunately, I did not document anything during the workshop because I was invested in working with the new software (Arduino & Processing) and the actual Adafruit circuit. However, I took a lot from the workshops and found them quite useful.
Interaction Station: Assignment
Next: Designing Process