1. Who are you designing for?
A person who is too afraid to go to sleep.
This usually happens to people who suffer from stress, nightmares or mental conditions

2. What is their relation to the collection?
The collection exists of artworks that symbolise comfort, protection or sometimes even fear. Insomnia is not a sickness so the artworks aren’t to be considered as treatment or therapy. But the artworks could have an influence on the user group.

3. Which content are you interfacing?
A combination between the collection and the things that can influence the dreams/mind of the user.
Some artworks radiate comfort. How can this effectively influence the user groups dreams/thoughts?

4. What type of interaction is fitting for this?
Creativity, the interface works however the user group wants to use it. The interface can be personalised. The interface can be taken with these the group.

5. What type of medium is fitting for this?
Printed media
It will easily adjustable and portable.

6. What are you trying to accomplish through the interface you want to design?
I want to create something that can influence the mind and dreams of the user group
I want it to actually benefit the user.

7. Which visual design elements have you already collected/designed that can be useful for this?

Your decision to work separately at times and then bring the results together had some positive
results (diverse perspectives and approaches.
The three categories of insomniacs you researched
and defined
(imaginary insomnia / workaholics / fearful)
were quite different in spite of sharing the
same underlying issues.
Therefore their needs were also diverse.

One big question (which applied to other groups as well) is the suggestion of art as medicine or as
a relief for health issues.
As an experience, art can (and should) be more more than ‘calming’ or ‘therapeutic’.
Although you presented quite a sharp selection of artworks,
we challenge you to
dive deeper into the potential of the BKOR collection, looking for new themes and narratives that
might appeal to your chosen insomniacs in interesting ways.
Monster van Rotterdam
Lezend meisje (1981) Leo van Oudheusden
How can the BKOR works influence the mind of the user group?

Each user has different troubles that makes them afraid to sleep, how can one interface work for everyone?

The interface can be interacted with freely, the interface can be personalised

The interface will connect the BKOR works with the user group trough creativity

The interface is a tool display the users thoughts about the works and how they help.

1. Pick an interface example from the archive, define its medium and the type of interaction, and what elements of this would be interesting for your collection and user-group

Medium: offline, communication
Interaction: the object communicates with the brain
Elements: connections

2. visually imagine and sketch how you can connect this medium and the type of interaction to your collection of knowledge

See images sketch

3. analyse the effect of your sketch, your choices in medium and interactivity

The security camera films the artwork and what is happening around it and sends the image to the users brain. I kept the medium of my interface, which was a security camera.

The magic security camera might be a bit unrealistic, so I looked at the important points the interface needs to meet. The interface is a tool to make the BKOR works influence the users mind/dreams, accessible for everyone, it’s not a cure, it’s personal, ect.

For my interface I want to create a map which serves as a tool to connect the BKOR works, personalise them and personalises the route the user makes. The map which I will design will have the option to make your own route, describe or visualise the artworks and how they could influence your dreams.

The purpose of the map is to influence the user by letting the user personalise the works in a way they can affect their dreams. For example The Monster Of Rotterdam, the user describes or visualises a situation which the user could dream about, the user can then place it on the map, creating a personal map.

As for limitations, they user will be free to interpret the artwork how ever they like, but there will be some questions about the artwork which would make it easier to connect the artwork to their situation / dreams and mind
The role of the collection and works I want to use for the map that the user can pick from

The BKOR artworks are the key objects for the map. The user picks an artwork that they like, describe or visualise what they like about the artwork or how the would interpret it, then they place it on the map creating their own route based on the artworks.

After discussing the artworks with different people, I have decided I want to use these artworks for the map. Of course these artworks could have different meanings to everyone.
Lezend meisje
This was one of the most calming works I could find.
Het Gezin
Family can have major impact on someone's dreams.
A very joyful artwork about a pet
Meisje met Poes
Another very joyful artwork about a pet
For the map I want something simple, as the artworks are the only things that matter, I took the map of Rotterdam and started sketching a simplified map. I kept accuracy and aesthetic in mind.
In order for the user to describe/visualise his thoughts I needed to make a space for them to do so. I took inspiration from rasters, cause it makes it brings order and adds to the design.
Combining the map with the design space. Each artwork has it's own design space and a little description based on the description form the BKOR website.
The back of the map has more detailed instructions of how to get each location, but so far I can't really figure out how to give clear instructions without a lot of text or a really detailed map.

The first user test definitely needed some explanation for the locations.
As for the format the map I found this flyer which has the perfect size for the map, it's portable, easy to use and looks cool.

Megan suggested I add QR codes to the artworks which then lead back to the BKOR website with the full descriptions and info about the artists. She also suggested I'd make the map more clear, so I'm now adding the address and famous marks in Rotterdam to compare.

I added QR codes which would lead to the official BKOR page.